Who We Are

Blackthorn Alliance team members are seasoned security professionals, intelligence officers, and investigators from elite units within the Military, Intelligence Services and Law Enforcement communities.

Our methodology blends the best practices from Law Enforcement investigative techniques with intelligence tradecraft and Special Operations tactics.

Our programs are recognized as some of the most successful systems in the world, applied effectively in domestic and international urban and rural environments.

We tailor our operations and training programs to successfully serve the specific needs of police, intelligence services, and militaries, having worked with foreign governments to build national level organizations around the globe.


Blackthorn Alliance provides consulting services, operational, and specialized training designed to enhance human intelligence and security operations conducted in permissive, denied, or hostile target environments.


Blackthorn Alliance is committed to being a leading provider of quality security consulting, information collection, and tactical operations/training services, while adhering to the highest standards of ethics and integrity in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.


Blackthorn Alliance focuses on three primary areas of service:




As a company we consult governments, corporations, and NGO’s in the areas of Security, Intelligence, and Logistical Support.

Comprehensive Programs

Blackthorn Alliance’s goal is to help our clients build a range of information solutions to thrive in any complex intelligence environment.

Our comprehensive programs help prepare our clients for the adversaries of today, while anticipating and preventing the security challenges of tomorrow.

We make this possible through our vast partnerships world wide.

Operational, Consulting, and Training Solutions

Our team members train clients on topics that include leadership protection and crisis management, tactical operations, security measures, intelligence, escape and evasion techniques, and more.

Through our Operations, Blackthorn Alliance has the capability of developing contingency plans, providing executive protection teams, conducting in-depth investigations, as well as performing personnel recovery operations.

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 Blackthorn Alliance

Security for a Changing World